Trained as a musical instrument maker, Steven Cheyne-Cook has built fourteen pipe organs under the name S. R. Cook Pipe Organs. In addition, Cheyne-Cook is a skilled rebuilder of older pipe organs. He offers tuning and maintenance services for pipe organs across the U.S.

All components of his organs are built in his shop. This includes keyboards, cases, all pipes, action components, and even crafting the pipe metal from tin and lead ingots. His organs are of the tracker or mechanical action type, based on 300 year old European organ building methodology with modern adaptations for reliability.

Casting pipe metal

Note the stock of ingots below the casting table, ready to replenish the molten pot as sheets of metal are cast. The sheet appears mirror like when freshly cast, then hazes over as it cools and crystalizes. The finished pipes can be burnished for a highly polished look, as in the top photo.

Opus 2

Mercer Island UMC
7070 SE 24th
Mercer Island WA 98040

Manual I Manual II T.C Pedal
Gedakt 8 Quintadena 8 Subbass (from Man. I) 16
Erzahler (haskell 1-7) 8 Gemshorn 4 Gedekt (from Man. I) 8
Principal 4 Flute 2 Erzahler (from Man. I) 8
Waldflute 2 Krummhorn 8 I to Pedal
Larigot 1-1/3 II to Pedal
II to I

Opus 3

Gedakt 8′ Spitzgedekt 4′ Waldflute 2′

Opus 4

8′ Oak Gedeckt
4′ Rohrflute
2′ Waldflute
8′ Krummhorm (wood resonators)

49 notes F-d”’ Case of solid white oak, carved pipe shades.
Keyboard of ebony. Walnut drawknobs.

Opus 5

Port Madison Lutheran Church
Bainbridge, Island, WA

Manual I Manual II Pedal
Principal 8 Oak Flute 8 Subbass 16
Stopped Flute 8 Gamba 8 Principal 16
Octave 4 Celeste 8 Stopped Flute 8
Chimney Flute 4 Spire Flute 4 Octave 4
Octave 2 Block Flute 2 Dulzian 16
Mixture Desquialtera II Dulzian 8
II to I I to Pedal
II to Pedal

Opus 6

Opus 7

All Saints’ Episcopal Church
4201 W. Washington Ave.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Great (56 notes) Swell (56 notes) Pedal (30 notes C/R)
Principal 8 Chimney Flute 8 Subbass 16
Stopped Flute 8 Gamba 8 Stopped Flute 8
Octave 4 Celeste 8 Choral Bass 4
Chimney Flute 4 Spire Flute 4 Bassoon 16
Octave 2 Block Flute 2 Clarinet 8
Mixture II Sesquialtera II Zimbelstern
Clarinet 8 Tremulant Great to Pedal
Swell to Great Swell to Pedal

Opus 8

Our Saviours’ Lutheran Church
1015 Veneta Ave
Bremerton, WA 98337

Manual I Manual II Pedal
Stopped Flute 16 Chimney Flute 8 Subbass 16
Principal 8 Gamba 8 Principal 8
Stopped Flute 8 Celeste 8 Stopped Flute 8
Octave 4 Principal 4 Choral Bass 4
Chimney Flute 4 Nasard 2-2/3 Bassoon 16
Octave 2 Block Flute 2 Bassoon 8
Mixture III Tierce 1-3/5
Trumpet 8 Clarinet 8

After the the terrible accident that destroyed this organ, Steven Cook has had an opportunity to rebuild it for the church. Read the story at the Kitsap Sun.

Opus 9

Manual I Manual II Pedal
Chimney Flute 8 Stopped Flute 8 Subbass 16
Principal 4 Koppel Flute 4 Stopped Flute 8
Quint 2-2/3 Principal 2 Stopped Flute 4
Tierce 1-3/5 Tremulant Flute 4
II to I I-Ped

Opus 10

Grace Episcopal Church
Siloam Springs, Arkansas

Great (58 keys) Swell (58 keys) Pedal (30 keys)
Principal 8 58 pipes 1-4 wood, Haskell, 5-37 en facade Bourdon (MC) 16 34 pipes Space for 13-24 plus 1-12 from Pedal Subbass 16 30 pipes wood
Chimney Flute 8 50 pipes 1-8 from #10 Stopped Flute 8 58 pipes Principal 8 Prepared to borrow from Great and Choral Bass
Octave 4 58 pipes 1&2 en facade
Night Horn 4 Space prepared
Viola 8 51 pipes 1-7 from Stopped Flute 8-19 Haskell Bass Flute 8 12 pipes extension of 17
Quint 2-2/3 58 pipes Viola Celeste (TC) 8 46 pipes 13-18 Haskell Choral Bass 4 Space prepared
Octave 2 58 pipes Koppel Flute 4 58 pipes Flute 4 12 pipes extension of 17
Tierce (TG) 1-3/5 39 pipes Gemshorn 2 58 pipes Bassoon 16 30 pipes
Mixture II-III 1 143 pipes Nasat 1-1/3 Bassoon 8 12 pipes extension of 18
Oboe 8 34 pipes 1-24 from Pedal Bassoon Clarinet (Bass) 4 27 pipes Space for treble or full 8′ Krummhorn 4 Space prepared
Swell to Great Great to Pedal
Tremulant Swell to Pedal

Opus 11

Manual I 56 notes
Chimney Flute 8 44 pipes 1-12 from Subbass
Koppel Flute 4 56 pipes
Quint 2-2/3 37 pipes(from tenor G)
Tierce 1-3/5 37 pipes (from tenor G)
Manual II 56 notes
Oak Flute 8 44 pipes 1-12 from Subbass
Gemshorn 2 56 pipes
Tremulant to whole instrument
Pedal 30 notes BDO concave & straight
Subbass 16 24 pipes 25-30 from Koppel Flute

Opus 12

Residence Organ
McAllen, Texas

Chimney Flute 8
Principal 4
Koppelflote 4
Gemshorn 2

Combination Lever I- 4′ Principal and 2′ Gemshorn ON
Comb. Lever II- 4′ and 2′ OFF
Nachtigal (Bird Whistle)